Dear friends of mixed field hockey,
we, the Neuköllner Sportfreunde (NSF) and the Turngemeinde in Berlin (TiB), cordially invite you to our 2nd joint mixed tournament in Berlin.
The game will be played in Berlin-KreuzKölln on a small field in the TiB Stadium with 6 + 1 players and at least 3 players on the field. The level should be lower level or rec league.
Author: Schui
Schedule for Indoor Season 24/25
We train every Wednesday from 8 to 10 p.m. in the upper Gym of the Otto Hahn School. We practice as a mixed team, all male and female players are welcome to join. Since we don’t have an active women’s team, we only have one practice day of the week. But it’s possible to book the […]
Start of the Outdoor Season
After your successful Easter Egg Hunt at Hasenheide, it’s time for us to start searching for hockey balls in the bushes again too. Back to the pitch! Training begins on Tuesday, April 2, 2024. Outdoor kick-off on Saturday, April 13, at 11 a.m. Before we start with games again, let’s spend an afternoon together on […]
Invitation to the Annual Members Meeting
Thursday, January 25th 2023, Start: 19:00 o’clock Hybrid-Meeting at the office building Manteuffelstr. 40, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg (click here for direction) We are inviting every member of the NSF Hockey club to the annual members meeting on 25.01.2023 at 19 o’clock. We’ll meet in person at my office located at Manteuffelstr. 40 (see directions below). At the […]
Practice Schedule Indoor Season 23/24
We train every Wednesday and Friday from 8 to 10 p.m. Wednesdays in the Upper Ghym of the Otto Hahn School In even calendar weeks, the women of the NSF/TiB syndicate team train on Wednesdays.In odd calendar weeks, Wednesdays’ mixed training is open to all men and women. On Fridays in the gym of the […]